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LogoSwitch 2.0

Welcome to the new version of LogoSwitch!
LogoSwitch is a utility to handle the Windows9x startup and shutdown screens.

LogoSwitch screenshot Automatically convert (even multiple) images (jpg or bmp) into logos by just one mouse click

Replace your logos

Randomize your logos at every Windows startup

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The new version of the program mostly sticks to the proven user interface. The Edit List dialog has been improved and now includes a preview enabling you to glimpse at the logos contained in the list, as well as to see how not yet included images would look like after conversion. You will find the Options dialog modified as well. Moreover, the program now checks the logo lists for invalid entries, which then may be removed all together.

However, the most important change is a new feature I decided to call DirectSwitch... DirectSwitch means, you are no longer required to convert every single image into a logo before adding it to a logo list or using it to replace the current logo.
Instead, whereever a logo is needed you may now just open the image and LogoSwitch in turn will convert the file into a logo. This even works for the logo lists. Just select 150 (or more, if you like) jpg-imgages and add them to a logo list - after asking for the directory to save the new logos in, the program will automatically convert every single imgage into a logo and add them to the list. That's it! Now just activate Automatic LogoSwitch and the boring times of a constantly clouded sky are over, at least...

Download links

Some of the download links might not yet work - it might take a while until the program as reached every single mirror site on the web. Sorry about that.

under construction
last updated: 21/12/99
